
Demystifying Procurement

A course to take you through planning, sourcing and managing procurement.

Demystifying Procurement Workshop

An interactive workshop introducing the procurement life cycle.

Introduction to the Procurement Rules

Explore the 4th edition of the Government Procurement Rules.

Debriefing Suppliers

Learn how to prepare and conduct a supplier debrief.

Early Market Engagement

Learn about the importance and best practice of early market engagement.

Participating in an Evaluation Panel

An introduction to your role when participating in an evaluation panel.

Social Services Procurement Capability

Contract Management

This course explores social services contract and delivery management.

Planning for Procurement

Learn about planning for social services procurement.

Cultural Competency for Procurement

Explore the practice of Tikanga and Whānaungatanga to support social services partnering.

The Evaluation Process

Learn how to manage an evaluation process for government departments.

Broader Outcomes

Broader Outcomes CE Panel Discussion

An introduction to broader outcomes hosted by Carolyn Tremain, Chief Executive, MBIE.

Broader Outcomes Basecamp

An introduction to the broader outcomes framework.

Using procurement to ensure health and safety requirements are met

Explore how procurement can be used to improve health and safety standards.

Using procurement to make sure employment standards are met

Learn about improving employment conditions through procurement.

Increasing access for New Zealand businesses

Learn about methods to improve New Zealand business access to government procurement.

Case Studies

Discover how broader outcomes have been applied in selected agencies.

Hikina Video Library

Procurement Knowledge Hours

Watch selected recordings of the series of Procurement Knowledge Hours.

Property Knowledge Hours

Webinar briefing on the All-of-Government Office supplies agreement.

AoG Contract Briefings

Webinar briefings on the All-of-Government contracts.

Informational Videos

Learn about a range of property and procurement subjects from leaders and specialists in their field.

Latest News

Kia ora Registered Users

Welcome to Hīkina!

Hīkina means to lift up or raise up. It links to the concept of capability and raising us all up together. Whether you are new to procurement – or an old hand – this material is for you. Completing modules can help you on your procurement journey. It can also help you to build an impressive CV. Once you complete a module you can download a Record Of Completion.

We have organised your learning and capability menu into the 4 areas above:

  • Procurement
  • Social Services Procurement Capability
  • Broader outcomes
  • Hikina Video Library

Completing a module:

You must complete all elements of a course and not skip through sections. You will then be eligible for a Record of Learning.

Face to Face and Virtual workshops

We have adapted many of our courses to be delivered to you virtually - check dates and times in the course sections for availability.

If you experience any issues or need assistance please contact: